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Best 12-String Acoustic Guitar

Taylor 562ce

The Taylor 562CE sounds great in literally any application. It's also slimmer in the neck and body which makes it a dream to play. Whether you are recording acoustic with a mic, plugged in for live performance, acoustic jam sessions with others, it sounds as good as or better than most other currently available 12-strings out there today. It's not just the opinion of professional reviewers either. Our hands-on playing, as well as the numerous hands-on reviews from others on messageboards and forums are fairly unanimous - even from people who don't like Taylor Guitars.

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MSCGR (just pronounced, "Music Gear") is home to dozens and dozens of hours of music gear research distilled down to easy-to-read guides and reviews. You might want to take a look at how to use the site, as well as how you can help support us.

The goal of MSCGR is simple: Save people time and energy shopping so they can get on with their lives writing, recording and playing music, using the great gear we recommend to them.

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